Virginia lawsuits against Tropical Smoothie Cafe for Hepatitis A Claims
Hepatitis A Claims Lawsuits have been filed in Virginia after a Virginia Department of Health alert linking Tropical Smoothie Cafe and an outbreak of 35 cases of Hepatitis A. Lawyers are seeking class action status for claims of individuals who felt forced to get vaccines or were hospitalized because they consumed
Best Law Firms 2017 Rankings Announced
As of November 1, 2016, U.S. News & World Report and Best Lawyers publicly announced the Seventh Edition of the Best Law Firms rankings. MichieHamlett is proud to be included in this elite and extremely impressive group. METROPOLITAN TIER 1 Charlottesville Appellate Practice Commercial Litigation Family Law Litigation – Trusts & Estates Personal Injury Litigation – Plaintiffs Real Estate
Highway Fatalities Rise Sharply – Smart Phone and Auto Technology to Blame?
Distracted driving and its link to traffic accidents, personal injuries and fatalities has been in the news for more than half a decade. I have made it a public awareness goal of mine to talk about the dangers and to advocate for safe driving practices. The number of highway deaths
Ethicon Hernia Mesh Failure
Some who were promised a solution in Johnson and Johnson’s Ethicon Physiomesh Flexible Composite hernia mesh, instead found themselves facing potential infections, hernia recurrence and more surgeries. Ethicon Hernia Mesh was first approved for use in hernia repair procedures in April 2010, but without FDA review or clinical trials to
FDA’s Regulations on E-cigarette Industry
On July 28, 2017 the FDA announced a five-year extension of the deadline for product applications from manufacturers of vaping products. The announcement also lays out the FDA’s vision of lowering nicotine levels and establishing a regulatory framework for tobacco products. “To make certain that the FDA is striking an appropriate
Recent Study Links Vaping and E-Cigarette use to Several Health Risks?
A recent study conducted at the Karolinska Institute, a medical university in Stockholm, has opened up the conversation about the relative safety of vaping, or smoking e-cigarettes. The Karolinska Institute recruited 15 volunteers who had never smoked e-cigarettes. After running a series of tests, they found that 30 minutes after
The Impact of Self-Driving Cars
Technological changes in the auto industry have taken several giant leaps forward in the last decade, including lane change warning systems, emergency braking, and self-driving cars which may only be a year of two away from hitting the roads in huge numbers. So what does that mean in terms of
Smoking and Lawsuits: What did Big Tobacco know, and when did they know it?
By Greg Webb Lawsuits Against Big Tobacco Companies Many people watching old movies and even TV shows from the 60s and 70s are jarred by the amount of smoking going on. Glamorous stars cast smoldering looks as they inhale; rugged heartthrobs stoically take a drag as a reward for another damsel/ranch/platoon saved.
Three Years After Remington Settlement, Gun Defects Remain
Despite hundred of serious injuries and at least two-dozen deaths, Remington denies hiding a deadly design defect that allows it’s guns to fire without the trigger being pulled. Although Remington agreed to replace the triggers on 7.5 million guns under the terms of a December 2014 class action settlement, legal wrangling