
Every year, mesothelioma – a form of cancer caused by breathing asbestos dust – claims the lives of 2,500 people. Victims who have suffered serious injuries or illnesses from asbestos exposure should seek the advice of an attorney to understand their legal rights.  Family members or loved ones of those

The offense of driving under the influence, also known as a DUI, typically relates to alcohol intoxication. However, alcohol is just one of countless substances that can impair one’s ability to operate a motor vehicle. In fact, prescription drugs, over the-counter-medications, illegal substances, and even sleep deprivation can impair a

May is Bike Safety Month. Whether you bike for fun, exercise, or transportation, Charlottesville is a great place to ride. Most drivers in our area are accommodating to cyclists on the road, but there are always exceptions. Several groups bring cyclists together to share in cycling adventures. The Charlottesville Bicycle Club

Business Tort Series: Tortious Interference There are many issues that business owners contend with day-to-day from employee relations to contract negotiations to supply chain efficiencies. Infrequently, issues arise in the conduct of a business where the business’s relationship with another individual or business is negatively affected by a third-party that causes

Has someone materially misrepresented their product to you, inducing you to purchase it at significant expense, and the product is not usable for the purpose for which they sold it to you? You notify them about the problem. They say they will correct the problem but then file for bankruptcy,