Fiduciary Litigation

Our group has extensive experience involving purchase and sale contracts, partnership disputes, claims involving breach of fiduciary duty, commercial leases, easements, boundary disputes, and design and construction defects. We have represented buyers and potential buyers of real estate in a variety of disputes, and litigated on behalf of such diverse clients as a vineyard owner, property managers, and developers of commercial and residential properties. We have also represented property owners in disputes over boundary lines and easement rights as well as the owners of multimillion dollar residences with major design and construction deficiencies pursuing claims against their contractors and others.

Our group also has extensive experience with environmental matters, including representing clients in matters before the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ), county planning commissions, and the Army Corp of Engineers.

We have extensive experience in adversarial proceedings, including trials before judges and juries at both the federal and state level. We are also well versed in alternative dispute resolution forums, including non-binding mediation and binding arbitration.