The Most Dangerous Drugs In America

Right now, if you asked your average American what the most dangerous drug in America is, they’d likely tell you it’s heroin, opioids, or some other type of opioid-derivative. But that’s not true. In fact, the most dangerous drug in America is easily found on the shelves of every local pharmacy. It’s Acetaminophen, also known as Tylenol.

Tylenol is an NSAID (or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory). It reduces fever and pain and is typically used for minor aches and pains. What makes Tylenol more dangerous than heroin? Well, deaths per use may be much lower, but more folks find themselves in the emergency room due to Tylenol than heroin.

The dangers of Tylenol 

All drugs are dangerous, but Tylenol is one of the few NSAIDs that can cause liver failure. Other NSAIDs, like naproxen sodium or ibuprofen, can cause severe stomach damage. But no drug resulted in more ER visits than Tylenol ranking it as the “most dangerous drug of all time”.

Acetaminophen lawsuits 

In 1993, several individuals sued Johnson & Johnson claiming that Tylenol resulted in severe liver damage or liver failure. One of those individuals was a man recovering from a flu who took the recommended dose of “maximum strength” Tylenol. Within one week, his liver had been completely destroyed. He lapsed into a coma. A liver transplant saved his life.

The plaintiff won his lawsuit on the grounds that J&J failed to warn customers that mixing Tylenol and alcohol could cause liver failure. In 2007, the parents of an infant who died of liver failure won a lawsuit after they prescribed Tylenol. In 2012, a woman suffered acute liver failure after taking Tylenol as directed for several days. In 2013, a woman won a lawsuit after suffering liver failure related to taking Tylenol with Lortab.

Allegations against Tylenol makers 

Plaintiffs in lawsuits against Tylenol makers claimed companies hid data concerning potentially deadly side effects of their product. They also claimed that the drug was marketed as a safe, readily available pain medication available at any drug store. They failed to warn customers that mixing Tylenol and alcohol could produce liver failure. They failed to warn customers that mixing Tylenol and opioids could cause liver failure. Tylenol makers were accused of falsely promoting the safety of their product and recklessly disregarded data that showed it was potentially dangerous.

Essentially, these lawsuits were filed and won on the grounds that drug manufacturers failed to warn customers about potential dangers. These lawsuits resulted in increased warnings, but Tylenol remains the number one cause of accidental death in America.

Talk to a Charolletsville Dangerous Drug Attorney 

Drug manufacturers have a duty of care to ensure their products are manufactured safely and users and doctors are adequately informed about the dangers prior to use. When they fail in that duty of care, and someone is injured, they can be sued. The Charlottesville dangerous drugs lawyers at MichieHamlett can help those injured by dangerous drugs file lawsuits against drug companies. Call today to learn more.
