Title IX 2025 Reverts to 2020: What Does It Mean for Students and Universities?
Here’s an important update affecting Title IX campus sexual misconduct cases: the U.S. Department of Education just announced that it will officially enforce the 2020 Title IX regulations enacted during the first Trump administration.
What do the Title IX changes mean for students and universities?
Title IX requires colleges and universities receiving federal funding to investigate and adjudicate allegations of sexual misconduct. The interpretation and enforcement of Title IX has constantly evolved. The regulations governing Title IX sexual assault cases seemingly change with each administration. President Biden’s changes to the regulations eliminated basic due process protections, such as the right of cross-examination and fair notice.
The return of the 2020 regulations means that schools must continue holding live hearings and allowing cross-examination. Schools must continue giving respondents sufficient details about the allegations and time to respond. The 2020 regulations also limit Title IX’s jurisdiction. The Biden regulations expanded the scope of Title IX even to conduct that occurred overseas.
For those accused, Title IX campus sexual assault proceedings remain extremely treacherous. A bad outcome will strip the accused student of their education and reputation. Title IX proceedings have been, and remain, biased and unfair. Allegations of campus sexual assault can upend a person’s entire life.
If you have been accused of campus sexual misconduct, find a qualified Virginia Title IX advisor to help you at every stage. It’s extremely important to hire an attorney with experience handling campus sexual assault cases. If you’ve been accused, do not wait to hire an experienced Title IX attorney. How your case is handled at the beginning can completely determine the outcome. You need an experienced and aggressive advocate on your side who understands Title IX and how the process works.
For more information, contact Virginia Title IX attorney Rhonda Quagliana to discuss your case.